Last week EUCAM president Wim van Dalen, together with five eminent scholars on the subject of alcohol marketing and alcohol harms, sent the following letter to Estonian government leaders to show international scientific support for the planned amendments to their Alcohol Act and Advertising Act. The letter was sent to Taavi Rõivas, Prime Minister of Estonia, Jevgeni Ossinovski, Read More →

The Local Government Association of the U.K. has renewed a push for alcohol producers to label beverages with caloric information. The association says the labels are necessary because the public is largely unaware of the amount of empty calories in alcohol, which may be related to high obesity levels in the country. Associations Now reports Read More →

  New evidence is mounting that bottles of beer, wine and spirits should carry cigarette-style graphic health warnings to make clear that alcohol is linked to cancer, infertility and violence. Additionally, a number of Canadian jurisdictions reportedly are preparing mandatory warning label laws, in line with the new findings. Research by Canadian PhD. Student Mohammed Read More →

Last week, the EU Health Council endorsed Council conclusions on “An EU strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm”. The joint Health Ministers of the EU Member States in this document call on the European Commission to publish an alcohol strategy by the end of next year. During the Council meeting, which was also attended by Vytenis Read More →

Since the end of August 2015, the European Commission has held a public consultation to determine whether and how the directive around taxes on alcoholic beverages should be adopted to reduce fraud and abuse. The consultation is closing November 27th. The consultation of the Committee is part of the “Better Regulation” agenda, through which the Read More →

Scottish Ministers are under pressure to support a ban on alcohol advertising near schools after research carried out by Members of the Scottish Parliament suggested there was considerable public sympathy for the policy. The proposal was backed by 78 per cent of those who responded to a survey carried out by the Parliaments’ health committee. Read More →