New evidence is mounting that bottles of beer, wine and spirits should carry cigarette-style graphic health warnings to make clear that alcohol is linked to cancer, infertility and violence. Additionally, a number of Canadian jurisdictions reportedly are preparing mandatory warning label laws, in line with the new findings.

Research by Canadian PhD. Student Mohammed Al-Hamdani reveals that graphic health warnings, similar to those on cigarette packs, can change consumer-based and product-based perceptions of alcohol products. Al-Hamdani says his study reveals the need for serious consideration of stringent alcohol warning policy research.

In an online survey, just under 100 respondents were asked to rate their reaction to prominent wine, beer and liquor containers without health warnings; with text-only warnings; with warnings that included pictures; and with warnings that included pictures on otherwise plain packaging.

Those bearing the text-and-image labels about liver cancer made the greatest impact, with subjects less likely to rate positively the product and the type of person who would drink it.

Canadian newspaper The National Post reports that several Canadian jurisdictions are currently preparing for introducing mandatory stringent labelling laws for alcoholic products.

National Post (12/16/15)
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Global News (12/16/15)

Read the abstract of Al-Hamdani’s article here>>

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