To assess the status of alcohol marketing in Madagascar, EUCAM was commissioned by Blue Cross Norway (and supported by Blue Cross Madagascar) to systematically monitored online, print and outdoor media in October of 2013 in and around the capital of Antananarivo. The results of this monitoring exercise are written down in the report ‘Monitoring Alcohol Marketing in Madagascar’, which is available here>>
1. Main Findings
2. Outdoor
3. Print Media
4. Online
Main Findings
Main findings include:
-Alcohol retailers and bars frequently break the law by placing their establishment within a 150 meter radius of religious buildings, educational institutions, hospitals and etc.
-Alcohol advertisers frequently break the law by using image advertising, instead of using merely product information.
-In outdoor areas on average 48.4 alcohol ads were identified per 0,25 km2.
-Alcohol ads are twice as likely to be found around schools, compared to other places.
-Online, claims were identified suggesting that light alcoholic beverages can be consumed by any member of the family.
-Analysis of print media frequently identified unofficial ways of marketing (editorial content, sponsorship of events and sports, as well as job offerings).
An overview of the identified alcohol advertisements is available on this webpage, in addition to the interactive maps of the captured outdoor advertisements. Below that you can click on links to the picture sets of each area.
Overview of outdoor marketing
The placement of outdoor alcohol advertisements (billboards and posters) were systematically monitored in five squares of 500×500 meters (four urban areas in Antananarivo and one suburb). Photos of the advertisements were made with GPS signal enabled smart phones. In addition to geographically mapping alcohol advertisements, alcohol points of sale and schools where also mapped to pinpoint whether the placement of bars and retailers adheres to the 150 meter required distance described in Art . 10/06/37.
Below are interactive maps providing an overview of the identified alcohol marketing, as well as maps showing which points of sale are placed inside a 150 meter radius of a school (blue flags are schools, yellow flags are points of sale, red flas are alcohol advertisements).
Area 1
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of Area 1 on
Area 2
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of Area 2 on
Area 3
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of Area 3 on
Area 4
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of Area 4 on
Area 5
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of Area 5 on
Overview of print media alcohol marketing
Four daily national newspapers (Les Nouvelles, Midi, Matin and L’Express) were monitored for alcohol marketing between 16 and 31 October 2013. It was expected newspapers in this time period would not reflect a representative image of advertising since many advertising spots had been bought by campaigning politicians leading up to the October 25 presidential elections. Therefore, additionally a random sample of 108 newspapers from between May 2010 and October 2013 was also monitored. In addition to this, an incomplete sample (December 2012, February-May 2013, July-September 2013) was monitored of the freely available lifestyle magazine No Comment. For both this magazine and the newspapers the footage was analysed by measuring the number of alcohol advertisements, place of the advertisement and alcohol producer.
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of scans of the ads and brand references identified in October newspapers.
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of scans of the ads and brand references identified in the random sample of newspapers.
Clicking the picture below, will take you to the picture set of scans of the ads and brand references identified in the random sample of the free magazine No Comment.
Overview of online marketing
In the period of 16 till 20 October 2013 the content was analysed of the official webpages and Facebook pages of the five most popular brands in Madagascar (THB, SKOL, Dzama, Queen’s & Castel).
Clicking the image below will lead to an overview of images of the visited webpages on