11 May 2014 How is the Danish alcohol marketing situation currently? Last spring the main concern was a new Danish high school tradition of going alcohol-bananas in Prague during the winter break. Around that time a thought entered my mind: What if Prague and Sunny Beach are merely the tip of the iceberg? What if Read More →

5 May 2014 During her campaign to become leader of Trinidad’s People’s National Movement (PNM), Pennelope Beckles-Robinson addressed the problem of alcohol marketing to children. During a seminar at the Association of Psychiatrists of Trinidad and Tobago (APTT) Beckles-Robinson said that profits from alcohol sales have increased while the children of the nation are left Read More →

Powdered alcohol just ad water, was to be introduced in the US this month. Initially approving powdered vodka, rum and other cocktails, the US Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau came around a few days later, stating that this approval was an error. After bloggers got wind of the approval of this potentially Read More →

New research finds countries with greater alcohol advertising restrictions had lower prevalence of hazardous drinking than countries with no restrictions and countries with some restrictions; independent of variables such as alcohol taxation. Based on their findings, researchers suggest a need for strict alcohol advertisement restriction policies. The researchers from the Pompeu Fabra Univerisity in Barcelona Read More →