Earlier this month the Welsh government published its plans for minimum pricing. The plans are based on research suggesting that a minimum charge of 50p per unit would save nearly £900m over 20 years by cutting crime and illness, with 50 fewer deaths a year. Ministers said they were committed to using their powers to Read More →

The Russian government has approved a proposal to ease the ban on using human and animal images in advertising if they are part of a trademark, Izvestia newspaper reported recently. This amendment is the result of a bill submitted by MP Viktor Zvagelsky submitted a bill in October 2014. The bill would mitigate the ban Read More →

President Hollande told the wine world meeting in Bordeaux that the law Evin must first be preserved. This was the demand for weeks of the whole health community since the vote of an amendment seriously questioning it. Fortunately, all parliamentarians are not subservient to the lobby of alcohol! While MPs will debate in plenary of Read More →

Last week French MPs have voted to amend the country’s strict alcohol advertising laws. This despite the backing of the existing law by the French government, its architect Claude Evin and health bodies all over Europe. Three days before the amendment was voted on in parliament, Health Minister Marisol Touraine urged MPs to vote against Read More →

New research shows alcohol brands continue to regularly breach industry advertising codes on Facebook and has drawn further attention to the inadequacies of the current self-regulatory system. The study found the Facebook pages of Australia’s most popular alcohol brands are filled with highly inappropriate content that glamorises and encourages excessive drinking and features crude and Read More →

AB Inbev brand Bud Light has struck a partnership with Snapchat, the photo and video sharing app with more than 200 million users, of which over 70% is below the age of 25. The social media application has been making advertising deals with many big companies over recent years. However, Bud Light is the first Read More →