British newspaper The Independent reports that ‘street drinker event’ have dropped with 49 per cent, after the sale of super-strength alcohol was banned in the town of Ipswich. The results come from a voluntary program which was launched six months ago by the local police and retail chain Co-op.   The ‘Reducing the Strength’ campaign Read More →

The Finnish Government is considering a total ban on outdoor alcohol advertising, according to Finland’s public broadcasting company Yle. The ban would also affect advertisements in media such as radio and social networking site Facebook. Alcohol branded sports sponsorship would remain unaffected.   Yle reports that a ministerial social and health policy working group will Read More →

Search engine operator and online marketing company Google this month decided to stop advertisements of alcohol and alcoholic beverages in Finland. As such, Finland has joined the ranks of China, Poland, Vietnam and South Korea as a country where Google does not advertise alcoholic products.   Kari Kunnas of the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare Read More →

Reuters reports on the growing acceptance of female alcohol consumption in India. According to the press agency women who drink are becoming a ‘big business in socially conservative India’. The article states that the female market segment of drinks consumers is growing twice as fast as the overall sector. In India’s $10 billion drinks industry Read More →