Author: Josipa Glavaš & Mirjana Rumboldt Title: Beer is food isn’t it? The effect of beer advertising on the drinking among youth Journal: Medicina Familiaris Croatica: Journal of the Croatian Association of Family Medicine, Vol.22 No.2 Ožujak 2015. Abstract The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of beer advertising on attitudes and drinking Read More →

Twenty public health organisations have resigned from the European Alcohol and Health Forum (EAHF), a stakeholder platform, to protest against the European Commission’s refusal to submit a new alcohol strategy. In an open letter sent to Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, the NGOs express “deep concern” that the Commission has no intention of developing a comprehensive Read More →

Earlier this month, the EU’s Health and Food Safety Commissioner, Vytenis Andriukaitis, said there is no intention of submitting a new strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm in Europe. Instead it’s proposed to tackle alcohol-related harm as part of a broad range of “risk factors” affecting chronic diseases. The EU’s latest strategy to tackle alcohol abuse Read More →

New research by James Cook University in Australia has revealed weaknesses in the law regulating alcohol promotion after reviewing smart phone apps carrying alcohol promotional material. Furthermore the study raises questions about the ethical stance of organizations such as Google and Apple for providing access to apps which encourage intoxication as well as competing in Read More →