Fifa, football’s world governing body, keeps insisting that alcohol must be sold at all venues hosting matches in the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. Fifa even speaks of a right to sell beer. But alcohol is currently banned from Brazilian stadiums as part of measures to reduce violence in football and to improve public health Read More →

Coming July will see harsher regulations for the marketing of beer in Russia. Advertising Age, an international magazine dedicated to news, analysis and data on marketing and media, describes brewers and advertising companies venturing into digital marketing and flooding broadcast time in a final effort to build brand awareness. This year, Russian beer will lose Read More →

In cooperation with PARPA, EUCAM organizes its fourth conference on alcohol marketing in Europe in Warsaw (Poland). The meeting will be held on the 29th and 30th of March 2012.  The EUCAM contact persons of Public Health NGOs, governmental organizations and research institutes are invited to participate. The topic of the training will be: – Read More →

Two years ago, Lithuania showed willingness to protect health of its citizens by restricting alcohol marketing. The Lithuanian Health Program and Alcohol Control Law suggested an alcohol marketing ban from 1 January 2012. However, that situation has now changed, after a regrettable Parliament decision has stopped the process. “Biggest shame to Lithuania”, says the Lithuanian Read More →

Yesterday Heineken launched its international campaign for the Holidays, called ‘Sunrise belongs to moderate drinkers’. In their press release, Heineken states that the campaign aims to encourage the responsible consumption of its brands. The brewer claims the campaign takes a ‘progressive stance by showing that drinking responsibly can be aspirational.’ The campaign which uses YouTube, Read More →

The Swedish brand  Absolut has announced a 2012 year long marketing campaign called ‘Absolut Outrageous’ featuring the tagline: ‘Celebrating 30 years of going out and coming out.’ The campaign refers to the brands decades spanning support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. While Absolut may not be new to this game, other Read More →