30-Nov-2020 By Stephen Firth, Senior Partner, Vivaldi London Brands which copy successful innovations will forever be playing catch up. Instead, they should understand why an innovation has succeeded and use those insights to carve out their own path, writes Stephen Firth, senior partner, Vivaldi London, in this guest article. link to the original article

Science ; November 24, 2020; University of Amsterdam; Alcohol marketing generally leads to higher alcohol consumption, also among minors. This is shown by a study by the University of Amsterdam in collaboration with the University of Twente, prompted by the Dutch National Prevention Agreement. The research systematically charted the effects of alcohol marketing. It did Read More →

‘Alcohol marketing research aimed at young people’ Authors: Annelies Kruize, Ralph Mennes, Robert Pieper, Jessica Steur, Nick Jelicic & Peter Wiegman. Research Institute Breuer & Intraval, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2020. Young people are regularly confronted with alcohol marketing practices in supermarkets, catering establishments, cinemas, on television and social media. This has emerged from research commissioned by Read More →

J Health Psychology  2020 Sep; 25(10-11):1657-1668 Kelly Lloyd , Elaine Cameron, Hannah Williams, Emma Banister, Michael Donmall, Alan Higgins and David P French  Abstract Televised alcohol advertisements in the United Kingdom must abide by the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice Code, which provides guidelines concerning advertisements not implying, condoning or encouraging immoderate, irresponsible or antisocial drinking. Previously, 75 per cent Read More →

By Heather Gillin, Texas A&M University College of Education & Human Development November 6, 2020 Health & Environment   Yes/no questions and indefinite attempts to enter a legal date of birth are “inconsequential barriers” to underage users, an alcohol researcher says. “Age gates” that aim to keep underage users off alcohol websites are mostly ineffective, Read More →

Aaron Baar; MarketingDive, November 5 Dive Brief: Spirits company Brown-Forman unveiled a relaunch of its Cheers to the Host website, which offers food and drink recipes along with other entertaining ideas, according to information shared with Marketing Dive. The revamped site, which was developed with agency Blue Chip, places less emphasis on the company’s products, Read More →