January 17th, 2021 by Lotta Dann. From Newsroom New Zealand.  The main point of the article is that of addressing the problem of how alcohol in New Zealand is being marketed and sold by creating a far more robust framework controlling it.  The author expresses the alcohol advertisements as “Glamorous. Groomed. Healthy. Trendy. Swarthy. Robust. These Read More →

28th of December, 2020 by Kathryn Lundstorm. From Adweek. To recap the alcohol industry in 2020, although one might assume that the drinking public didn’t have much to cheers to this year, alcohol (ecommerce) grew by more than 40% globally this year. This could happen thanks to a demand for alcohol delivery skyrocketed, launching apps like Drizly and Read More →

02 December 2020 – Institute for Alcohol Studies The public are ‘blameworthy’ for their own alcohol-related health issues, according to a new IAS report looking into how the public health initiatives use nudge theory’s principles to frame actions and attitudes.  ‘Nudge theory and alcohol policy – how nudge frames drinkers and industry’ also found alcohol industry actors were Read More →

November 23rd 2020, Movendi International  A new report by VicHealth, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) provides evidence for the pervasive harmful marketing targeting children in Australia. Evidence shows that exposure to unhealthy marketing can have long-term consequences on children. The report highlights that: During the COVID-19 Read More →

The WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission1 identified an important threat to children’s health and futures by stating that children across the globe are exposed to exploitative advertising and marketing by the private sector. Fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, breastmilk substitutes, and gambling, were positioned as the key products that children are increasingly exposed to and Read More →