The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) is seeking a ban on the advertising of certain foods, beverages and alcohol between 7am and 11pm in every EU country, in a bid to protect minors.
The European Commission recently published its proposal to revise the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The AVMSD deals, amongst others, with advertising of unhealthy foods to children as well as alcohol advertising.
Two rapporteurs have been appointed to take the proposal through the European Parliament. They asked for comments on the Commission proposal from a wide range of stakeholders.
EASL sent in a submission on alcohol and food advertising. While EASL believes that, in certain respects, the Commission’s proposal for amending the Audio Visual Media Services Directive represents an improvement on the current Directive, they also see several important respects in which it can be strengthened.
In their submission EASL refers to numerous studies which show that exposure to marketing of alcohol and foods high in salt, sugar and saturated fats, increases consumption of these products in all segments of the population, including children. The EASL recommendations aim to strengthen the existing Directive which states that advertising must not cause “physical or moral detriment to minors”.
The EASL is also requesting amendments to the Directive in relation to product placement and sponsorship.
The rapporteurs are scheduled to publish their draft report in early September. Other Parliamentary committees will then have the opportunity to submit amendments.
Source: EASL.EU 07/19/16
maismaismedicina 07/22/16