Author: de Bruijn A, Engels R.
Title: Measuring the volume of youth exposure to alcohol marketing: A systematic review of measurement instruments in peer-reviewed articles
Journal: OA Alcohol 2014 May 22;2(1):8.

Aims: The following paper aims to review instruments that measure alcohol advertising exposure that were used in peer-reviewed studies. Method: A systematic literature search of several databases resulted in 47 relevant articles of which measurement instruments were examined and compared. Results: A total of 90 measurement instruments were identified in the reviewed articles. These instruments can be categorized as memory-based or opportunity-based measures with several subcategories. Although most studies used a combination of different methods to measure alcohol advertising exposure, researchers chose either memory-based or opportunity-based measures. Measurement of exposure to alcohol advertising, via non-traditional marketing channels was not examined in most articles. Conclusions: A large variety of measurement instruments were found. Because of limitations and strengths of each measurement instrument, a triangulation of measurement methods is recommended.

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