1.2. Literature on the influence of alcohol marketing via traditional media and product placement on the drinking behavior of minors
- The impacts of alcohol marketing and advertising, and the alcohol industry’s views on marketing regulations: Systematic reviews of systematic reviews
- How frequently is alcohol advertised on television inCanada?: A cross-sectional study
- How frequently is alcohol advertised on television in Canada?: A cross-sectional study
- Patterns of alcohol and alcohol-flavourednon-alcoholic beverage advertisements overJapanese free-to-air television networks
- The potential adverse effects of minors’ exposure to alcohol-related stimuli via licenced venues: A narrative review
- Children’s recognition of alcohol marketing
- Recruiting the “Heavy-Using Loyalists of Tomorrow”: An Analysis of the Aims, Effects and Mechanisms of Alcohol Advertising, Based on Advertising Industry Evaluations
- The Relationship Between Exposure to Alcohol Marketing and Underage Drinking Is Causal
- Have Restrictions on Alcohol Advertising in Ireland Affected Awareness Among Adults?
- Advertising: Alcohol
- Have Restrictions on Alcohol Advertising in Ireland Affected Awareness Among Adults?
- Alcohol Marketing in Scotland –Youth Engagement Project Final Report
- Estimated televised alcohol advertising exposure in the past year and associations with past 30-day drinking behavior among American adults: results from a secondary analysis of large-scale advertising and survey data
- Is it time to ban alcohol advertising?
- Quantifying Children’s Non-Supermarket Exposure to Alcohol Marketing via Product Packaging Using Wearable Cameras
- Patterns of alcohol and alcohol-flavoured non-alcoholic beverage advertisements over Japanese free-to-air television networks
- Population exposure to alcohol and junk food advertising during the 2018 FIFA world cup: implications for public health
- Adolescents’ exposure to paid alcohol advertising on television and their alcohol use: exploring associations during a 13-year period (2017)
- Association between single-channel and cumulative exposure to alcohol advertising and drinking behaviours among Australian adolescents (2022)
- NZ kids can’t escape alcohol marketing next to bread and milk (2017)
- Examining the relationship between exposure to alcohol marketing through traditional media channels and drinking behavior (2020)
- How much are we exposed to alcohol in electronic media?
- Exposure to alcohol advertising and adolescents’ drinking beliefs: Role of message interpretation (2017)
- Douglas A. Gentile, Brooke J. Arterberry, Patrick K. Bender, Kristi A. Costabile; Beer advertisements and adolescent drinking Knowledge, expectations and behaviour. 2019 in: Addictive Behaviour Reports;
- Maani Hessari, N.; Bertscher, A.; Critchlow, N.; Fitzgerald, N.; Knai, C.; Stead, M.; Petticrew, M. Recruiting the “Heavy-Using Loyalists of Tomorrow”: An Analysis of the Aims, Effects and Mechanisms of Alcohol Advertising, Based on Advertising Industry Evaluations. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 4092.
- Alexander B. Barker, John Britton, Emily Thomson, Abby Hunter,Magdalena Opazo Breton, Rachael L. Murray (2019); A content analysis of tobacco and alcohol visual content in a sample of UK reality TV programmes
- Australian Teenagers’ Perception of Alcohol Advertising; compliance with regular codes; Alexandra Aiken et al (2018)
- Erica Weintraub Austin, Meng-Jinn Chen, Joel W. Grube; How does alcohol advertising influence underage drinking? Journal of Adolescent Health, 38 (2006)
- Hastings, G & K. Angus; Under the influence; The damaging effect of alcohol marketing on young people (2007)
- Chambers, T.J. (2018) The extent and nature of children’s real-time exposure to alcohol marketing using wearable cameras and GPS devices
- A. de Bruijn et al (2016); European longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents’ alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use; Society for the study of Addiction (1-10)
- Youth exposure to alcohol advertising on television in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany (2014)
- Alcohol Marketing and Young People’s Drinking Behaviour in Ireland; Kathy Ann Fox, Colette Kelly and Michal Molcho (2015)
- Evidence on the nature and extent of alcohol promotion and the consequences for young people’s alcohol consumption; Rossen, I., Pettigrew, S., Jongenelis, M., Stafford, J., Wakefield, M., and Chikritzhs, T. (2017).
- Alcohol Advertising in Magazines and Underage; Charles King III, Michael Siegel, Craig S. Ross, and David H. Jernigan (2018)
- Monitoring food and beverage marketing to children via television and the Internet
- Cranwell et al. (2016). “F*ck It! Let’s Get to Drinking—Poison our Livers!”: a Thematic Analysis of Alcohol Content in Contemporary YouTube Music Videos
- Cranwell et al. (2016). Adult and adolescent exposure to tobacco and alcohol content in contemporary YouTube music videos in Great Britain: a population estimate
- Cranwell et al. (2015). Adolescents’ exposure to tobacco and alcohol content in YouTube music videos
- Cranwell et al. (2016). Alcohol and Tobacco Content in UK Video Games and Their Association with Alcohol and Tobacco Use Among Young People
- NAIMI ET AL. (2016)
- SIEGEL ET AL. (2015)
- ROSS ET AL. (2015)
- TANSKI ET AL. (2015)
- PRIMACK ET AL. (2014)
- SWAHN ET AL. (2013)
- KELLY ET AL. (2012)
- MCCLURE ET AL. (2012)
- CAMY (2012)
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- JONES & MAGEE (2011)
- GORDON ET AL. (2011)
- LIN ET AL. (2011)
- DAL CIN ET AL. (2010)
- WILLS ET AL. (2009)
- Collins et al. (2007)
- ANDERSON (2007)
- PASCH ET AL. (2007)
- ELLICKSON, ET AL. (2005)
- Stacy et al. (2004)
- Casswell & Zhang (1998)