Author organizations: CAMY (Centre on Alcohol Marketing and Youth), Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Title: Exposure of African-American Youth to Alcohol Advertising, 2008 and 2009
A full text pdf file of this report can be found here
Excerpt from the introduction:
In keeping with CAMY’s mission of monitoring youth exposure to alcohol advertising, the goals of this report were to: (1) analyze alcohol advertising exposure by type and brand among African-American youth ages 12–20 in comparison to all youth ages 12–20; and (2) assess the exposure of African-American youth ages 12–20 to alcohol advertising relative to African-American adults and all adults, and thus the extent to which African-American youth were overexposed to alcohol advertising relative to adults in magazines, on radio, and on television.
Excerpt from the conclusion:
In the context of an evidence base suggesting that increased exposure to alcohol marketing puts young people at greater risk of drinking, this report has documented that African-American youth experience greater exposure to alcohol advertising than youth in general in magazines and on television, and to distilled spirits advertising on radio. In addition, specific brands and media outlets generate nearly five times as much alcohol advertising exposure to African-American youth than to all youth. Some of these also deliver greater exposure to African-American youth than to African-American adults.