The European Commission is currently evaluating the European Alcohol Strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm. Eurocare, The European Alcohol Policy Alliance, has published its recommendations on a future EU Alcohol Strategy, covering the period 2013-2020.   One of the main points of the recommendations is that European alcohol consumption by 2020 should Read More →

Vitas Matuzas, Lithuanian Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party, is allegedly suspected of accepting bribes in exchange for drafting three bills. Lithuania’s Special Investigation Service thinks Matuzas was paid to draft the Excise Law, the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Act as well as the Alcohol Control Law. This last law blocked a Read More →

A Health Committee report has given a mixed, if not critical, verdict on the United Kingdom Government’s Alcohol Strategy published earlier this year. Although supportive of some aspects of the strategy, including the headline announcement of minimum pricing, the report is critical of an excessive focus on binge drinking over health issues and the lack Read More →

The Knesset, Israel’s government, has approved further restrictions on alcohol marketing. All alcohol marketing on billboards and public transport will be prohibited, while media outlets are only allowed to present strictly ‘informative’ advertisements, without models, text, or praise for the product. “Newspaper headlines about 12-year-old kids who are taken to the hospital because of alcohol Read More →

In Russia, the State Duma (Lower House) has approved a new law that prohibits alcohol advertising online and in printed media. After January 1st 2013 alcohol advertisements will be completely forbidden. This tightening on alcohol marketing is the work of deputies from United Russia, Sergei Zheleznyak, Irina Yarovaya and Igor Rudensky. “We had to take Read More →

Four franchises of Centra, an Irish super market, have been ordered to withdraw a promotion offering cheap alcohol as part of a deal for ‘children’s allowance day’. Children’s allowance day is the day of the month that low income families receive their Child Benefit. The A4 leaflets contained the heading ‘Children’s Allowance Day Deals’, and Read More →