In 2014 the Australian Alcohol Policy Coalition commenced work on an alcohol policy roadmap project, examining the current state of alcohol law and policy in Victoria, and looking at areas for law reform and policy development, with the overall goal of reducing alcohol related harm in the state.

In the first phase of this project, the APC are examining state powers to limit advertising exposure to children and young people, the impact of planning laws on alcohol policy, the ways in which planning laws can be improved to reduce alcohol related harm and national model laws on secondary supply.

As part of this project, they have produced a series of podcasts on the three current focus areas: advertising, planning law and secondary supply. This is the first podcast, Alcohol marketing and young people: David Jernigan, PhD, Director of The Centre on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health:



A new study has been published on the effects of alcohol marketing bans. The Cochrane Systematic Literature Study by Siegfried et al. found it could not recommend for or against banning alcohol advertising, but the authors would compel Governments that are considering implementing alcohol advertising bans, to implement their ban in a research environment and Read More →

The Russian Ministry Communications has said it’s willing to lift the ban of alcohol marketing in newspapers and magazines. Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media Alexei Wolin first spoke of this option at recent congress of the National Association of Broadcasters. This new stance is surprising as the alcohol marketing ban was only introduced Read More →

Recently a stringent alcohol marketing ban has been introduced in Turkey. Food & Drink contributor Cathy Huyghe describes in how Turkish wineries circumvent the new regulations. Miss Huyghe takes the stance that the current regulations are an unfair threat to the burgeoning wine business. The four tactics described are Word of Mouth, Selling Direct Read More →

In Finland, the 2015 ban on alcohol marketing, as well as the recently introduced restrictions on social media marketing, have become a point of debate. The debate was sparked over an incident surrounding blog posts about Beer Expo Finland 2014, which had to drop the word whisky. Over the last weeks Valvira, the National Authority Read More →