Drug and Drink News, June 29, 2022 The Scottish Government should introduce legislation to restrict alcohol marketing ‘where it has powers to do so’, says a new report from Alcohol Focus Scotland, including outdoor and public spaces, print publications, merchandise branding, and sports and event promotions. The action is necessary to address a situation where Read More →

June 2022 from Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network.   ABOUT THIS REPORT   In September 2020, Alcohol Focus Scotland reconstituted an international expert network on alcohol marketing (‘the Network’) to update its 2017 report on alcohol marketing, Promoting Good Health from Childhood, and inform action by the Scottish Government. The Network Read More →

New report of the World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (‎2022)‎. Understanding the digital media ecosystem: how the evolution of the digital marketing ecosystem impacts tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food marketing. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/355277. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO  

A recent study by Jones et al. (2021), aimed to explore how alcohol packaging, messaging and warnings could raise awareness, engagement and response to health information.  By conducting eight focus groups with current drinkers, results show that unaided recall of some health information and messaging was high. However, most participants did not attend to or meaningfully Read More →

Wednesday 15th, 2022 by Stephanie Parnell. From Croakey Health Media Stephanie Parnell, Alcohol Policy and Research Coordinator at Cancer Council WA, explains how the marketing of alcohol-health raises questions regarding misinformation. She analyzes how marketing is the one domain where the law should forbid false, misleading and deceptive advertising. Still, we are being constantly exposed Read More →

Join Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network for the online launch of their new report. Thu, 30 June 2022 10:00 – 11:00 BST Exposure to alcohol marketing causes consumption. It encourages positive attitudes towards alcohol, influences our drinking behaviour and creates a culture where regular alcohol consumption is considered normal and desirable. Read More →