Join Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network for the online launch of their new report.
Thu, 30 June 2022
10:00 – 11:00 BST
Exposure to alcohol marketing causes consumption. It encourages positive attitudes towards alcohol, influences our drinking behaviour and creates a culture where regular alcohol consumption is considered normal and desirable. At the same time, alcohol causes more than 200 diseases and conditions, and someone loses their life to alcohol somewhere in the world every ten seconds.
This new report presents evidence of the impact of alcohol marketing on people with (or at risk of) an alcohol problem, children and young people, and the general population.
Drawing on international experiences from countries who already have restrictions, the Network makes recommendations for how countries can best regulate alcohol marketing, as well as how these can apply in Scotland. The Network’s recommendations cover action across the full ‘marketing mix’ including promotion and advertising, product packaging, the retail environment and pricing.
During the event we’ll hear from members of the expert network, Professor Sally Casswell of Massey University, New Zealand, and Tom Bennett of the Scottish Recovery Consortium, who will summarise the evidence on the need for change and the real-life impact marketing restrictions could have on people in recovery.
The event is aimed at organisations and individuals who have a principal or significant interest in preventing and reducing alcohol harms.
Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email from EventBrite. Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email from Zoom with your personal event joining link.
Please note that in order to facilitate an open discussion the organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone whom they consider may have a conflict of interest. Commercial companies and their vested interests will be excluded from the event.