7th September, 2022 from the Cancel Council Victoria.  A new research led by the Cancel Council Victoria has revealed that students aged between 12 and 15 years are exposed to an alcohol ad every other day and those with a higher exposure to alcohol advertising are more likely to drink alcohol.  The research showed that Read More →

Alcohol Action Ireland, August 2022 A recent newspaper article has drawn attention to a new departure for alcohol brands whereby zero alcohol products are displayed outside dedicated alcohol areas in shops and supermarkets. Similarly, there has been extensive advertising of zero alcohol products in public spaces where alcohol advertising is now prohibited such as on public transport Read More →

Drug and Drink News, June 29, 2022 The Scottish Government should introduce legislation to restrict alcohol marketing ‘where it has powers to do so’, says a new report from Alcohol Focus Scotland, including outdoor and public spaces, print publications, merchandise branding, and sports and event promotions. The action is necessary to address a situation where Read More →

June 2022 from Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network.   ABOUT THIS REPORT   In September 2020, Alcohol Focus Scotland reconstituted an international expert network on alcohol marketing (‘the Network’) to update its 2017 report on alcohol marketing, Promoting Good Health from Childhood, and inform action by the Scottish Government. The Network Read More →

Join Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Alcohol Marketing Expert Network for the online launch of their new report. Thu, 30 June 2022 10:00 – 11:00 BST Exposure to alcohol marketing causes consumption. It encourages positive attitudes towards alcohol, influences our drinking behaviour and creates a culture where regular alcohol consumption is considered normal and desirable. Read More →

Sadie Boniface; , Amanda M. Atkinson; Nathan Critchlow; Michaela Jones; Beth Meadows & Katherine Severi Published online in ‘Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy’ : Dec 202;   Abstract This commentary about alcohol marketing regulation in the UK draws on a conference held by the Institute of Alcohol Studies, highlighting a need for policy interventions to prevent harm and Read More →

MARK PETTICREW, NASON MAANI, LUISA PETTIGREW, HARRY RUTTER, and MAY C I VAN SCHALKWYK The Milbank Quarterly, Vol. 98, No. 4, 2020 (pp. 1290-1328) Policy Points:Nudges steer people toward certain options but also allow them to gotheir own way. “Dark nudges” aim to change consumer behavior againsttheir best interests. “Sludge” uses cognitive biases to make Read More →