Student associations in the Dutch University city Groningen try to reduce alcohol consumption among their members, but discounts from beer brewers encourage alcohol consumption. NOS news, 2 December 2019 After a number of excesses in a covenant, student associations in the Dutch University city of Groningen made agreements with the municipality, the University of Groningen and Read More →

The Telegraph; Mike Wright 7 September 2019 • 9:00pm The advertising watchdog has been accused of giving the “green light” to alcohol brands to “blast” children with social media promotions following a groundbreaking ruling on an Instagram ‘influencer’. Alcohol charities raised the concerns after the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) dismissed complaints against the YouTuber Tanya Read More →

Norwegian alcohol lobby group Virke is pushing for Norway’s 3,000 kiosks and gas stations to be licensed to sell beer. The country’s grocery stores already have the rights to sell beer. Currently Norway operates the government-run alcohol monopoly “Vinmonopolet” – the country’s alcohol retail monopoly – to control availability and affordability of alcohol. The monopoly Read More →

IOGT International ; Jul 8 2019 In a new draft national alcohol strategy, the Latvian Health Ministry outlines plans to completely ban alcohol advertisements on television, radio and the internet, as well as restricting advertising of alcohol discounts. The draft action plan to reduce alcohol harm also proposes action to limit the availability of alcoholic beverages Read More →

18 June 2019 Gateshead’s director of Public Health has questioned the ethics of the Football Association for accepting alcohol sponsorship for the England Women’s team. Alice Wiseman, who is also lead Director of Public Health (DPH) for Alcohol for the North East (England) is concerned that alcohol sponsorship for the England Women’s team will put Read More →

By Josie Clarke, Press Association Consumer Affairs Correspondent PA Ready News UK12 June 2019   The majority of parents want alcohol advertising limited to certain times of the day in order to protect their children, a survey suggests. Some 71% of parents want alcohol ads restricted on television, with the same number wanting restrictions on Read More →

By Tim Chambers and Louise Signal; November 22nd 2018 “Marketing plays a critical role in the globalization of patterns of alcohol use among young people, and reflects the revolution that is occurring in marketing in general” —The World Health Organization (WHO) Alcohol is linked to over 200 medical conditions, causes a number of cancers and Read More →

The Sydney Morning Herald, by Tony Walker, 22 October 2018   Of all the issues that should be making parents of young children and adolescents’ blood boil, it is unrestricted advertising of booze during premier sporting events.   More generally, responsible adults should be holding the political class responsible for a lax regime that enables Read More →