Criticism of EUCAM on research “Social Media Age Check Alcohol-adverteerders” by R2 Research commissioned by STIVA in the Netherlands.  STIVA (Foundation for Responsible Alcohol consumption), an association of Dutch manufacturers and importers of beer, wine and spirits, commissioned research institute R2 Research to study the scope of alcohol marketing through social media. The conclusion of Read More →

According to Russian RMAA Group, the prohibition on any advertising for beer has been eased because of the upcoming Football World Cup Championship in 2018. Did the FIFA exert such pressure that alcohol marketing is relaxed for 3 years – as part of the agreement with sponsors? In 2018, the Football World Cup will be organised in Russia. According to the Russian RMAA Read More →

New research by Noel and colleagues shows that violations of the content guidelines within self-regulated alcohol marketing codes are highly prevalent in certain media. Exposure to alcohol marketing, particularly among youth, is also prevalent. Taken together, the findings suggest that the current self-regulatory systems that govern alcohol marketing practices are not meeting their intended goal Read More →

On basis of the evidence on the effectiveness of self-regulation, EPHA concluded that there is no justification for endorsing self-regulation as policy mechanism to deliver public health objectives.  As follow-up to the event “Self-regulation: a false promise for public health?”, held on 18 October 2016 in the European Parliament, EPHA (European Public Health Alliance) published Read More →

Avalon de Bruijn and Colleagues recently received a prestigious price for their European longitudinal research on alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use: The 2016 President’s Award from the European Society for Prevention Research. This price has been granted for the article “European longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents’ alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use”, Read More →

Research suggest that YouTube music videos promote positive associations with alcohol use. In the study “F*ck It! Let’s Get to Drinking—Poison our Livers!”: a Thematic Analysis of Alcohol Content in Contemporary YouTube Music Videos, researchers examine and describe the portrayal of alcohol content in popular YouTube music videos. This study shows that several alcohol companies adopt marketing strategies Read More →

In April 2016, EUCAM filed a complaint against a radio-commercial from the supermarket chain “Jumbo” for alcoholic drinks, that has been broadcasted multiple times at NPO Radio 1 between 06:00 and 21:00. The Dutch Media Authority warned this radio channel for their breach of the Dutch Media Law.  The Dutch Media Wet 2008 (Media Law) stipulates that Read More →