New EUCAM Trend Report: “Heineken all over. An analysis of the youth friendly marketing strategy of Heineken”
EUCAM has collected marketing materials from one of the world’s beer giants, the Dutch brewer Heineken to provide an overview of the integrated marketing strategy in the Netherlands. Heineken uses both traditional media and new media to a wide range of target groups, including marketing that is attractive to minors as well. To download the report, click here.
Prestigious price for European longitudinal study on alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use
Avalon de Bruijn and Colleagues recently received a prestigious price for their European longitudinal research on alcohol
marketing exposure and alcohol use: The 2016 President’s Award from the European Society for Prevention Research. This price has awarded for its “Outstanding Prevention Science Research” in 2016.
AVMSD: ongoing lobby process in Brussels and the Netherlands
The lobby process as part of the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive – the only regulation for alcohol marketing on European level, is in full swing. In collaboration with 40 European health organisations, EUCAM has published a press release and the declaration ‘3 steps towards healthier marketing’. A Dutch press release has been published as well. Members of the European Parliament are being approached in order to present our vision and amendments. On 1 December, the successful event “AVMSD: What about our kids?” took place in the European Parliament. It is expected that voting rounds in the European Parliament will take place from January 2017.
Upcoming research into alcohol marketing on social media and the EUCAM Monitoring App
In 2017, EUCAM will conduct research into alcohol marketing on social media. Also, EUCAM is promoting it’s Monitoring App in order to provide insight in alcohol marketing activities in Europe and beyond. If your organisation is interested in joining the research on social media or using the EUCAM Monitoring App, please contact us at
Updated section on the EUCAM Website: Regulations on alcohol marketing
The ‘Regulations on alcohol marketing’ section on the EUCAM website has been updated. The section contains extended information on statutory regulations and self-regulations on alcohol marketing in 30 European countries.
Upcoming: global launch of several alcohol marketing publications
In January 2017, several documents based upon the MAMPA (Monitoring Alcohol Marketing in Africa) project conducted by STAP, EUCAM and WHO AFRO will be launched. Stay tuned!
Last but not least: the EUCAM team wishes you happy holidays and a healthy, fruitful 2017.
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