Barbieri, S., Feltracco, P., Lucchetta, V., Gaudio, R. M., Tredese, A., Bergamini, M., Vettore, G., Pietrantonio, V., Avato, F. M., Donato, D., Boemo, D. G., Nesoti, M. B., & Snenghi, R. (2018). A social media-based acute alcohol consumption behavior (NekNomination): case series in Italian emergency departments. Interactive Journal of Medicine Research, 7(1), 1-7. 10.2196/ijmr.6573 A Read More →

19th of July by Emma Feeny, Katie Dain, Cherian Varghese, George A Atiim, Dag Rekve & Hebe N Gouda. From BMJ, “Protecting women and girls from tobacco and alcohol promotion”.  Following the trend that sees a change in gender norms, an aggressive industry marketing, and continuing population growth in low-and-middle income countries, what happens is Read More →

Dimova, E. D., & Mitchell, D. (2021). Rapid literature on the impact of health messaging and product information on alcohol labelling. Drugs: Education, prevention and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2021.1932754 Since alcohol labelling enables people to make informed decisions about the products they purchase and consume, this new study explores the impact of health messaging and product information Read More →

29th June, 2021 by Nicola Carruthers. From The Spirit Business.  The global spirits sector faces losing US$168 billion if restrictions on marketing are enforced, a new report has found.  The new Brand Finance Marketing Restrictions 2021 report builds on previous Brand Finance studies in 2017 and 2019 that looked at the potential impact of plain Read More →

June 16th, 2021 by Amelia Lucas. From CNBC.  Smirnoff Vodka owner Diageo has signed a multiyear deal with the NFL to become the league’s first spirits sponsor. While the National Football League has long had relationships with beer brands like Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Bud Light, it has been slower to embrace spirits. However, when the ban on distillers to advertise Read More →

June 21st, 2021 by David Sedgwick. From News Post Leader.  Health campaigners have questioned the inappropriateness of alcohol brands sponsoring high profile sports events, exposing children to alcohol. “Is it ethical to deliberately have product placement of Heineken beer branding in front of football starts and managers during press conferences at the European Championship?”, Balance Read More →