8.1. Literature about the influence of the alcohol industry on alcohol policy
- Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy Alcohol policies out of context: drinks industry supplanting government role in alcohol policies in sub-Saharan Africa
- Alcohol policy on EU-level: ‘Addressing Health Hazards or Promoting Commercial Interests?’
- Alcohol industry involvement in policymaking: a systematic review
- Policy Actors’ Perceptions of Conflicts of Interest and Alcohol Industry Engagement in UK Policy Processes
- Constructing public–private partnershipsto undermine the public interest: criticaldiscourse analysis of Working Togetherpublished by the International Alliancefor Responsible Drinking
- Under the influence: system-level effects of alcohol industry-funded health information organizations
- Recruiting the “Heavy-Using Loyalists of Tomorrow”: An Analysis of the Aims, Effects and Mechanisms of Alcohol Advertising, Based on Advertising Industry Evaluations
- Sydney’s ‘last drinks’ laws: A content analysis of news mediacoverage of views and arguments about a preventive health policy
- The emperor has no clothes: a synthesis of findings from theTransformative Research on the Alcohol industry, Policy andScience research programme
- Exploring correlates of support for restricting breast cancer awareness marketing on alcohol containers among women
- Unpacking assertions made by the alcohol industry and how they make them: An analysis of submissions into Australia’s National Alcohol Strategy
- ‘Misused evidence’: Spotlight on alcohol industry submissions
- Advancing public health policy making through research on the political strategies of alcohol industry actors
- Interactions Between the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Alcohol Industry: Evidence From Email Correspondence 2013–2020
- Restricting alcohol advertising in Scotland – Lessons learned from countries with existing restrictions
- Alcohol industry involvement in policymaking: a systematic review (2018) 
- “Using information to shape perception”: tobacco industry documents study of the evolution of Corporate Affairs in the Miller Brewing Company (2022)
- The Origins and Purposes of Alcohol Industry Social Aspects Organizations: Insights From the Tobacco Industry Documents (2021)
- Alcohol, cardiovascular disease and industry funding: A co-authorship network analysis of systematic reviews
- Dark Nudges and Sludge in Big Alcohol: Behavioral Economics, Cognitive Biases, and Alcohol Industry Corporate Social Responsibility
- Deconstructing narratives of alcohol industry involvement in the public health agenda
- The case for developing a cohesive systems approach to research across unhealthy commodity industries
- Partners or Opponents? Alcohol Industry Strategy and the 2016 Revision of the U.K. Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines (2021)
- Benjamin Hawkins & Jim McCambridge; Public-private partnerships and the alcohol policy in England (2019)
- Jim McCambridge & Melissa Mialon; Alcohol industry involvement in science
- Jim Mc Cambridge, Melissa Mialon & Ben Hawkins; Alcohol industry involvement in policy making 2018
- Maria Margarida Paixao & Melissa Mialon; Help or Hindrance? The Alcohol Industry and Alcohol Control in Portugal; Int. J. of Environmental Research and Public Health (2019).
- Alcohol industry fingerprints FARE 2019
- Emmi Kauppila et al (2019); Alcohol Marketing on Social Media Sites in Finland and Sweden
- Craig S. Ross, Robert D. Brewer, David H. Jernigan. The Potential Impact of a “No-Buy” list on Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising on Cable Television; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, jan. 2016
- Emily Savell, Gary Fooks & Anna B. Gilmore; How does the alcohol industry attempts to influence marketing regulations? (2016; Addiction)
- Reliability and validity of the Alcohol Marketing Assessment Rating Tool (AMART) ; Jonathan K. Noel, Thomas F. Babor and Katherine Robaina (2018)
- The Regulation of Alcohol Marketing: From Research to Public Health Policy Thomas F. Babor, David Jernigan, Chris Brookes; 2017 in Addiction
- Online alcohol marketing – a difficult task for youth protection
- DE BRUIJN ET AL. (2014)
- PAUKŠTE ET AL. (2014)