Author: Avalon de Bruijn, Carina Ferreira-Borges, Rutger Engels & Megha Bhavsar
Title: Monitoring outdoor alcohol advertising in developing countries: Findings of a pilot study in five African countries
Journal: African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies 13.1 (2014).
This paper aims to describe alcohol advertising in the public arena of Gambia, Ghana, Madagascar, Nigeria and Uganda. Analyses on the placement, channels, size and content of outdoor alcohol advertising practices (N=807) in relation to existing regulations are given. For example, in Gambia, the country with the most stringent alcohol marketing regulations of all countries studied, outdoor alcohol advertisements are on average smaller and less attractive to youth; whereas, in Uganda and Ghana, countries with selfregulation, there is limited protection. Findings illustrate the innovative ways in which the alcohol industry attempts to reach their market despite existing alcohol marketing regulations and cultural boundaries. Legal measures could be a policy instrument to protect against harmful exposure.