Last week, the EU Health Council endorsed Council conclusions on “An EU strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm”. The joint Health Ministers of the EU Member States in this document call on the European Commission to publish an alcohol strategy by the end of next year. During the Council meeting, which was also attended by Vytenis Read More →

2015 is the year that the EUs Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) will be put under review and is expected to be updated significantly. Currently, the AVMSD is the only law regulating media throughout the whole EU. IOGT-NTO, UNF, EUROCARE and EUCAM  think the 2015 review of the AVMSD is the perfect opportunity to improve Read More →

With tightening regulations on alcohol marketing, alcohol producers develop new initiatives to make customers aware of their brands and products. One such recent development is the use of Corporate Social Responsibility to build on the image of the companies. This boiles down to alcohol producers claiming to take responsibility in informing customers about responsible drinking Read More →