2015 is the year that the EUs Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) will be put under review and is expected to be updated significantly. Currently, the AVMSD is the only law regulating media throughout the whole EU. IOGT-NTO, UNF, EUROCARE and EUCAM think the 2015 review of the AVMSD is the perfect opportunity to improve the existing law in order to protect minors from the harmful effects of alcohol marketing. Together we invite alcohol-, youth-, and health NGOs to this seminar to become informed about the importance of the AVMSD, the influence of alcohol marketing and to discuss the problems in the curent version of the AVMSD.
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09:00 Opening
09.10 Welcome and Introduction
09:20 Alcohol sponsorship in the AVMSD, by EUROCARE
09:35 Alcohol marketing attractive to young people, by EUCAM
09:50 Problem of trans-border broadcasts, byIOGT-NTO
10:05 Exposure to alcohol marketing, young people’s perspective, by UNF
10:20 BREAK
10:35 Introduction on the AVMSD REFIT timeline and discussion on strategy to adopt the AVMSD for restricting alcohol marketing.
11:00 Planning the way forward in our strategy
11.30 Conclusions and final remarks
Rue Archimede 17, 3rd floor
B-1000Brussels, Belgium