Earlier this month Systembolaget, the agency that handles the Swedish monopoly on alcohol aired a new campaign on Swedish television called ‘How smooth is that?’, mocking the way that famous spirits brands market their product. Over in England, Balance, the alcohol office for the North East region, has started a campaign called ‘See what Sam sees’. The campaign visualizes the amount of exposure to alcohol marketing an average English child sees on a daily basis.


Last Thursday the Lithuanian government, the Seimas, debated on whether or not to persist in the plans to implement a law banning all forms of alcohol advertising by January 2012. The stake in the discussion was primarily the implementation of amendments to the legislation which would weaken the proposed protective measures against alcohol advertising. After Read More →

In an effort to disseminate our news and products as widely as possible, EUCAM has started its own Facebook page and Twitter account.  Subscribe to our Facebook page to receive instant updates from the EUCAM website on your Facebook Newsfeed. If you enjoyed an article or find it particularly interesting, you can let us and Read More →

The British charity Alcohol Concern has released a new report, detailing the outcome of a survey of more than 2300 British minors. The report reveals that young people are concerned about under-age alcohol exposure and feel strongly about installing more protective regulations. The report also described the youths as feeling bombarded by alcohol marketing. Alcohol Read More →

New research shows that Irish teens who are treated for their alcohol abuse at an adolescent drug and alcohol service prefer premium brands like Budweiser and Smirnoff. Considering the fact that there are cheaper brands available to these heavy drinkers, this finding is remarkable and according to the researchers may point to an effect on Read More →

The British charity Alcohol Concern has published a new report which concludes that alcohol industry campaigns for ‘responsible drinking’ have little effect, and may even be counterproductive. The report, written by researchers from Glyndwr and Bangor Universities suggests that rather than focusing on responsible drinking campaigns, it’s more effective to make alcohol more expensive and Read More →

Welsh health minister Lesley Griffiths calls for stricter regulations on alcohol marketing to tackle excessive drinking. One of these tightened regulations would mean a ban on alcohol marketing, another would be a minimum price per unit. “While the UK government’s recent proposal to ban sales below the cost of duty is a small step in Read More →

Media owners, sport and event sponsors, industry specialists, members of the entertainment industry as well as the alcohol industry gathered recently in Johannesburg, to discuss and prevent the government’s proposed ban on alcohol marketing. Over a hundred stake holders visited the meeting, to voice their concerns over the negative effects a ban would have on Read More →