In Russia, the State Duma (Lower House) has approved a new law that prohibits alcohol advertising online and in printed media. After January 1st 2013 alcohol advertisements will be completely forbidden. This tightening on alcohol marketing is the work of deputies from United Russia, Sergei Zheleznyak, Irina Yarovaya and Igor Rudensky. “We had to take Read More →

Four franchises of Centra, an Irish super market, have been ordered to withdraw a promotion offering cheap alcohol as part of a deal for ‘children’s allowance day’. Children’s allowance day is the day of the month that low income families receive their Child Benefit. The A4 leaflets contained the heading ‘Children’s Allowance Day Deals’, and Read More →

Adolescent exposure to alcohol media content has been found to be associated with future drinking practices (Smith and Foxcroft, 2009; Anderson et al., 2009) as well as influencing immediate alcohol consumption (Engels et al., 2009). With the ubiquity of the Internet and New Media in young people’s lives today, there are influential new media channels Read More →

An alliance of scientific experts, from the ALICE-RAP project, call for a European-wide ban on alcohol marketing. According to their latest policy brief, this could drive down excessive drinking and associated health risks throughout the continent.   ALICE-RAP stands for Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project, a project which brings together Read More →