7. Literature on media literacy
- Effectiveness of alcohol media literacy programmes: a systematic literature review (2015)
- Chapter 2: Social locations; Class, gender and young people’s alcohol consumption in a digital world
- Chapter 1: Neoliberalism, alcohol and identity; A symptomatic reading of young people’s drinking cultures in a digital world
- Introduction to youth drinking cultures in a digital world. Introduction
- Alcohol marketing on social media sites in Finland and Sweden. A comparative audit study of brands’ presence and content, and the impact of a legislative change (2019)
- Alcohol Marketing in the Era of Digital Media Platforms (2020)
- Jim McCambridge & Melissa Mialon; Alcohol industry involvement in science
- Stautz et al (2016); Immediate effects of alcohol marketing communications and media portrayals on consumption and cognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies ; BMC Public Health 16:465
- Alexander B. Barker, John Britton, Emily Thomson, Abby Hunter,Magdalena Opazo Breton, Rachael L. Murray (2019); A content analysis of tobacco and alcohol visual content in a sample of UK reality TV programmes
- Parlina Arsova (2018); Alcohol Advertising: A Minor Field Study in Cape Town
- Chambers, T.J. (2018) The extent and nature of children’s real-time exposure to alcohol marketing using wearable cameras and GPS devices
- H. Hendriks, B. van den Putte, W.A. Gebhardt and M.A. Moreno (2018); Social Drinking on Social Media: Content Analysis of the Social Aspects of Alcohol-Related Posts on Facebook and Instagram.
- H. Hendriks, B. van den Putte and W.A Gebhardt (2018); Alcoholposts on Social Networks Sites: The Alcoholpost Typology
- Thomas F. Babor , Katherine Robaina & David Jernigan (2014); The influence of industry actions on the availability of alcoholic beverages in the African region.
- Online alcohol marketing – a difficult task for youth protection
- Jernigan et al. (2016). Alcohol marketing and youth alcohol consumption: a systematic review of longitudinal studies published since 2008
- Brown (2016). Association Between Alcohol Sports Sponsorship and Consumption: A Systematic Review
- STEAD ET AL. (2014)
- GRAHAM & ADAMS (2013)
- JONES & GORDON (2013)
- NICHOLS (2012)
- LYONS ET AL. (2011)
- ANDERSON ET AL. (2009)
- LOPES (2007)