21st February 2022 from Movendi International.

A survey commissioned by Systembolaget and by the Central Association for Alcohol and Drug Information (C.A.N.) reveals that Swedish youth between 16 o 21 years old are getting hold of alcohol products via Instagram and Snapchat.  

Specifically, it was found that:

– the most common way young people obtained alcohol products were from an adult who was close to them, such as a friend, parent, sibling or partner.

– 28% of the young people surveyed had seen an offer on social media to buy alcohol from a private individual.

– 12% of these young people bought alcohol products via social media accounts, mostly Instagram and Snapchat.

– more girls were buying alcohol via social media than boys. 14% of girls compared to 10% of boys.

– buying alcohol via social media was most common among young people in metropolitan municipalities and suburban municipalities.

– those who have consumed alcohol report seeing even more alcohol products advertisements.

– young people who bought alcohol products via social media are at a higher risk of alcohol problems

The alcohol industry has tried to normalize alcohol use in Sweden, and a survey found that 50% of respondents through weekday alcohol use was normal. This was a 10% increase from 40% in 2015.


To read the full article, click on the following link: https://movendi.ngo/news/2022/02/21/young-swedes-get-hold-of-alcohol-via-snapchat-and-instagram/

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