From Alcohol Focus Scotland. 

A large body of literature has found parental drinking, particularly at higher levels, to be significantly linked with harm to children. However, research into how varying levels of parental drinking affects children is limited.

This report provides an overview of the evidence and key themes relating to parental drinking and its impact on behaviors and attitudes within families gathered through the inquiry session and online survey conducted in Scotland.

This report presents an analysis of the findings and suggests that there is a need to

  1. increase understanding of the impact of parental drinking amongst parents and families;
  2. address the pro-alcohol environment; improve identification and support for those affected;
  3. and ensure data collection and research effectively informs policy and practice responses.

Main findings show that: parental drinking has an impact on children.

– even at low levels, parental drinking was found to impact children’s emotional wellbeing

– at higher levels, parental drinking can contribute to their risk of physical harm

– most of the harm experience by children is of unintentional nature and results from parental drinking

– parents underestimate children’s awareness of their drinking and their influence on children’s views on alcohol and future drinking behavior

Find the full report and more insights here:

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