On-pitch advertising, the advertisement boards next to the playing field in various sports, will no longer contain alcohol advertising according to new plans by Health Minister Leo Varadkar. This measure is part of a detailed set of policy measures aiming to ‘de-glamourise’ alcohol consumption. Besides the curb on sports sponsorship, the new plans also include Read More →

Overall exposure to brand-specific alcohol advertising is a significant predictor of underage youth alcohol brand consumption, with youth ages 13 to 20 more than five times more likely to consume brands that advertise on national television and 36 percent more likely to consume brands that advertise in national magazines compared to brands that don’t advertise Read More →

A complaint about irresponsible alcohol advertising has been upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) following a complaint made by the Youth Alcohol Advertising Council, a group of young people working with the charity Alcohol Concern. Heineken UK Ltd has been told their YouTube advert for Strongbow breached responsible advertising regulations. The Youth Alcohol Advertising Read More →

(only 8 days left) Protect our children from alcohol advertising Scientific research has proven the negative health effects of alcohol consumption (WHO, 2014), as well as that exposure to alcohol advertising leads to advancing the onset of alcohol consumption and increasing the amount consumed, as well as the frequency of consumption (Smith & Foxcroft, 2009,Anderson et Read More →

The Ghanaian Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), has asked the media to ensure that advertisements on food, medicines and cosmetics are prevetted by government authority, before such adverts are aired of published. These include alcohol ads. “A manufacturer or distributor, advertising agent and advertising media and or organisation who advertises a food product without the Read More →

ANCs draft bill promising to ban alcohol advertising in South Africa may be crossed through after intensive lobbying by the alcohol industry. Instead the political party is now calling for stricter regulations on alcohol outlets. South African newspaper The Saturday Star reports that the alcohol industry’s protests against ANCs plans did not fall on deaf Read More →

The Constitutional Council has rejected an amendment to the Loi Evin that would potentially have initiated the end of France’s position in the top of the world’s countries with the strongest alcohol marketing restrictions. France’s highest lawmaking body has rejected the amendment, which had already been approved by Parliament, because it deemed the plans to Read More →


Dr. Pat Kenny, School of Marketing, Dublin Institute of Technology, presenting to the Oireachtas Committee on Health & Children for pre-legislative scrutiny of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015 – discussing advertising marketing and raising questions about the real intent of Diageo Role Models. Thanks to @IrelandUnlocked.