IOGT International ; Jul 8 2019 In a new draft national alcohol strategy, the Latvian Health Ministry outlines plans to completely ban alcohol advertisements on television, radio and the internet, as well as restricting advertising of alcohol discounts. The draft action plan to reduce alcohol harm also proposes action to limit the availability of alcoholic beverages Read More →

References to, possession, and consumption of 40 alcohol brands appear in all episodes viewed 18 June 2019 – A new study in the Journal of Public Health finds that tobacco and alcohol usage are extremely common in British reality television shows, with alcohol references especially frequent in Love Island and Geordie Shore.  Researchers from the Read More →

18 June 2019 Gateshead’s director of Public Health has questioned the ethics of the Football Association for accepting alcohol sponsorship for the England Women’s team. Alice Wiseman, who is also lead Director of Public Health (DPH) for Alcohol for the North East (England) is concerned that alcohol sponsorship for the England Women’s team will put Read More →

By Josie Clarke, Press Association Consumer Affairs Correspondent PA Ready News UK12 June 2019   The majority of parents want alcohol advertising limited to certain times of the day in order to protect their children, a survey suggests. Some 71% of parents want alcohol ads restricted on television, with the same number wanting restrictions on Read More →

From: This Naked Mind, Annie Grace From billboards to commercials to magazine ads, alcohol marketing is everywhere. But does this really work? Or is it geared for a certain ‘addictive’ audience? With greater than 10 years of marketing experience, Annie shares fascinating research, crazy statistics, and what the ultimate marketing goals are in this multi-million Read More →

Medical Express, June 12, 2019 by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health  Alcohol use among Tanzanian youth is rising and the high density of alcohol selling outlets and alcohol advertisements coupled with low enforcement of minimum drinking age laws are likely facilitating this uptick, according to a study by the Columbia University Mailman School Read More →

News in English 2019.06.06 12:45 The Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, passed a ban on selling toys, beverages and other products marketed to kids and teenagers that imitate alcohol and alcohol packaging. Fifty-three members of parliament voted in favour of amending the Law on Alcohol Control on Thursday, seven were against. The law forbids selling or producing Read More →

Millennials spend less money on alcohol than previous generations, according to a Nerdwallet analysis of a 2017 Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure Survey. In an attempt to win millennials over, some brands are marketing their alcohol as wellness drinks, from “wellness beers” meant for athletes to paleo-friendly and keto-friendly natural wines. An artisanal mezcal Read More →