4th March, 2021 by Anahad O’Connor. From The New York Times.  When the pandemic struck last year, many Americans rushed to stock up on alcohol, causing retail sales of wine, beer and liquor to surge across the country. But the uptick in sales was a worrying sign for health experts focused on cancer prevention. In Read More →

February 2021 by Professor Robin Room. From SHAAP (Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems).  Scotland has made progress in reducing harm from alcohol and an important part of that approach has been attention to regulating the price, availability and marketing of alcohol, known as the World Health Organization’s ‘Best Buys’. However, the Scottish off-trade alcohol Read More →

22nd of February 2021 By Tungamirai Zimonte and Kristina Sperkova. From Maverick Citizen.  A representation of the European Union to South Africa has invited major alcohol industry front groups and alcohol producers — from Europe — to jointly interfere in the development of alcohol policy solutions by the South African government. In response, community groups Read More →

19th of February by Alcohol Healthwatch. Alcohol harm reduction advocates are calling for an end to alcohol advertisers writing the rules around advertising. Strong statutory standards on alcohol advertising are being demanded following research published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. The research they refer to is by Dr Jackson’s and colleague’s analysis of three years Read More →

18th of February 2021 by Movendi International. A joint letter to European and Africa leaders was sent by community-based and civil society groups from Africa, Europe and around the world. They wish to express their deep concern about revelations that the European Union External Action is encouraging and part-funding the alcohol industry, interfering in public Read More →

3rd of May 2018 by C. Scott McMillin. From Recovery SI. It appears that the alcohol industry, like the tobacco industry and the oil and gas industry and others whose products represent a significant health risk, has long sought to accumulate scientific evidence to contradict that reality. Given the amount of revenue involved, this should Read More →

9th of February 2021 by Alcohol and Drug Foundation Advertising alcohol has been linked to young people starting to drink at earlier ages as well as heavy episodic drinking (binge drinking). This is a concerning impact of alcohol adverting as young people are exposed to over $100 million of alcohol advertising each year through television, Read More →

16th of January, 2021 by Alcohol and Drug Fundation.  Australia is a proud sporting action, and Australians are avid spectators and participants in a variety of sports. However, there is a problematic relationship between alcohol and sport in Australia. Why? Because Australian consume alcohol at professional and community sporting events, on top of “assisting” to Read More →