The Standard; 21 May 2024; By Stephanie Wangari The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA, Kenya) announced a nationwide crackdown on billboards promoting alcoholic beverages near schools. In a statement on Monday, NACADA said exposure to outdoor alcohol advertising around schools was associated with youth intentions to use the beverage. Further, Read More →

May 17th ;; By Kristina Sperkova and Labran Musa Alcohol endorsements from celebrities increase the risk of alcohol use and harm among teenagers. IN 2020, the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a scientific analysis of the future of the world’s children. With this analysis they revealed the two main crises Read More →

May 13, 2024, Digital Marketing News, Christy McDonald Diageo, a predominant player in the alcohol industry, is turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to gain a comprehensive understanding of its consumers to boost its brand-development strategy. The new approach focuses predominantly on the actual behaviours of consumers, instead of just their expressed preferences. Diageo’s AI initiative, Read More →

By Josie Clarke, Press Association Consumer Affairs Correspondent 12 June 2019   The majority of parents want alcohol advertising limited to certain times of the day in order to protect their children, a survey suggests. Some 71% of parents want alcohol ads restricted on television, with the same number wanting restrictions on social media and Read More →

9-05-2024; LRT; news-in-english The Lithuanian parliament Seimas on Thursday adopted amendments to the Law on Alcohol Control, easing alcohol sale and advertising restrictions. In total, 59 lawmakers voted in favour of the amendments tabled by the Economy and Innovation Ministry, 25 voted against, and 11 abstained. The Seimas allowed the sale of alcoholic beverages with Read More →

9 May 2024; by La Trobe University In a new study published in Health Promotion Journal of Australia, La Trobe University researchers found large support for a browser plug-in that blocks online alcohol-related imagery to prevent young people being influenced to start drinking alcohol or drinking to excess. Lead researcher from La Trobe’s Center for Alcohol Policy Research, Read More →

THE WAHA NUI; JAYDEN WONG • APRIL 28, 2024 The promotion of alcohol by radio stations across New Zealand is another form of advertising – and is contributing to the country’s heavy binge drinking culture, warns a health group. Alcohol Healthwatch spokesperson Lizzie Barratt says due to loose alcohol advertising regulations, stations need to further regulate the Read More →

25/04/2024  Investigation: Big alcohol: Universities and schools urged to throw out industry-funded public health advice doi: 10.1136/bmj.q851;  Journal: The BMJ Industry tied programmes provide information to schoolchildren as young as 9 Initiatives normalise drinking and downplay the long term health risks of alcohol, argue experts Public health experts are calling for a ban on alcohol industry Read More →

24 March 2024, Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy STAP From October 2024, Amsterdam will celebrate its 750th anniversary for a year with Heineken as its main sponsor. A year long, all Amsterdam residents and visitors, young and old, will be confronted with the promotion of the Heineken beer brand. The mayor of Amsterdam, Mrs. Halsema, Read More →

Drug and Alcohol Review; 14 March 2024; Antonia C. Lyons, Kate Kersey, Carol Emslie, Elena Dimova & Annamae Burrows; Abstract Issues: Alcohol marketing on social media platforms is pervasive and effective,reaching wide audiences and allowing interaction with users. We know little about the gendered nature of digital alcohol marketing, including how women and men are Read More →