British supermarkets might could soon be banned from advertising cheap alcohol, if current Coalition plans go through. This would imply an end to TV and poster ads pushing cheap alcohol.    The ban is part of the current British administration´s alcohol strategy. This part of the strategy is particularly aimed at national retailers such as Read More →

IOGT International, today spread a press release condemning the world’s football governing body, FIFA, as doing the dirty work for the alcohol industry. Additionally IOGT makes the case that FIFA ignores scientific evidence and social needs, while also bullying and insulting Brazilians.    Today, a special committee of the General Chamber of Delegates of the Read More →

IOGT International, today spread a press release condemning the world’s football governing body, FIFA, as doing the dirty work for the alcohol industry. Additionally IOGT makes the case that FIFA ignores scientific evidence and social needs, while also bullying and insulting Brazilians. Today, a special committee of the General Chamber of Delegates of the Brazilian Read More →

Since last month, new rulings by two state agencies prohibit Norwegian brewers from reviewing or depicting beer on their websites. The organizations in question, Aass Brewery and the Norwegian Brewery Association, are furious about what they call ´surreal´ verdicts.   The Norse Directorate of Health has previously ordered Aass Brewery to remove all images of Read More →

Young people who watch a lot of movies featuring alcohol use, are twice as likely to drink, according to new research by Dartmouth Medical School. In the span of two years, the American researchers questioned more than 6,500 youngsters four times, asking in each session whether they had seen any of 50 randomly selected films. Read More →

The National Substance Misuse Strategy for Northern Ireland, expected to be published early 2012, is presumed to recommend a ban of all alcohol outdoor advertising as well as alcohol sponsorship of sports events, concerts or festivals. The strategy is also expected to include minimum pricing.    Other measures to be brought forward in the report Read More →

The Australian administration of Julia Gillard is being urged by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) to strengthen regulations on junk food and alcohol advertising. This recommendation follows on the tough stance the government has taken against big tobacco, by measures that mean that tobacco can only be sold in plain packages without logo’s or brand Read More →

The National Substance Misuse Strategy for Northern Ireland, expected to be published early 2012, is presumed to recommend a ban of all alcohol outdoor advertising as well as alcohol sponsorship of sports events, concerts or festivals. The strategy is also expected to include minimum pricing.    Other measures to be brought forward in the report Read More →