02 December 2020 – Institute for Alcohol Studies The public are ‘blameworthy’ for their own alcohol-related health issues, according to a new IAS report looking into how the public health initiatives use nudge theory’s principles to frame actions and attitudes.  ‘Nudge theory and alcohol policy – how nudge frames drinkers and industry’ also found alcohol industry actors were Read More →

November 23rd 2020, Movendi International  A new report by VicHealth, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) provides evidence for the pervasive harmful marketing targeting children in Australia. Evidence shows that exposure to unhealthy marketing can have long-term consequences on children. The report highlights that: During the COVID-19 Read More →

The WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission1 identified an important threat to children’s health and futures by stating that children across the globe are exposed to exploitative advertising and marketing by the private sector. Fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, breastmilk substitutes, and gambling, were positioned as the key products that children are increasingly exposed to and Read More →

ANDREA L. COURTNEY, pH.D.,a,* B. J. CASEY, pH.D.,b & KRISTINA M. RAPUANO, pH.D.b aDepartment of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, California bDepartment of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut *Correspondence may be sent to Andrea L. Courtney at the Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Jordan Hall, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, or via email at: Read More →

Adweek; 14-07-2020; Brandy Shaul Tell the social network to show you different products instead Did you know that you can stop Facebook from showing you advertisements related to certain topics? For instance, the social network recently rolled out the ability for users to stop seeing political, election and social issue ads. You also have the option Read More →

Author: Julia Stafford and Hannah Pierceon: April 15, 2020In: alcohol, Coronavirus outbreak 2019-2020, public health, Public health and population health It doesn’t take long for the well-resourced alcohol industry to adapt their marketing to tie-in with current events. We see it with major sporting events, the holiday season, and even the devastating Australian bushfires. A Read More →

Sadhbh O’Sullivan; Last Updated 2 March 2020 ; www.refinery29.com   In January of this year, Müller launched its newest yoghurts as part of the ‘Light’ range: gin & tonic and pink gin & elderflower. Despite being practically alcohol-free (pots containing less than 0.5%), the product launch became, momentarily, a focal point for the debate about the Read More →