Hospital Healthcare Australia; Tuesday, 19 December, 2023 An AU$40,000 South Australian project is set to investigate the impact of promoting and using zero-alcohol drinks on young people’s perceptions and behaviour. Zero alcohol drinks (<0.5% alcohol) resemble alcohol in appearance and taste and are often closely linked to a parent alcohol brand, but there are currently Read More →

Drug and Alcohol Review; 04 December 2023 Kerri Coomber, Ryan Baldwin, Nicholas Taylor, Sarah Callinan, Claire Wilkinson, John W. Toumbourou, Tanya Chikritzhs, Peter G. Miller Abstract Introduction Variation in alcohol availability is an important driver of levels of consumption and harm, with recent increases in online alcohol home delivery use expanding availability. There is limited research on the impacts of these changes Read More →

Madden et al. Globalization and Health (2023)  Abstract Background The global burden of alcohol harm has increased and is forecast to grow further without effective policy implementation. Public–private partnerships aiming to address global health, and other societal challenges, are a burgeoning feature of neoliberal governance. Rhetorically distancing themselves from tobacco, the major alcohol companies are committed Read More →

Nason Maani, May CI van Schalkwyk, Mark Petticrew Health Promotion International, Volume 38, Issue 6, December 2023, daad167, Abstract There is now an established body of evidence that the alcohol industry seeks to obstruct public health policies that could affect the availability, affordability or marketing of alcohol. In parallel, the alcohol industry is active in funding corporate Read More →

Drug & Alcohol Review; 04 December 2023;  Coomber, Ryan Baldwin, Nicholas Taylor, Sarah Callinan, Claire Wilkinson, John W. Toumbourou, Tanya Chikritzhs, Peter G. Miller Abstract Introduction Variation in alcohol availability is an important driver of levels of consumption and harm, with recent increases in online alcohol home delivery use expanding availability. There is limited research on the impacts of these changes and the Read More →

Gabrielle Becerra Mellet PerthNow Local News; 12-12-2023 A ginger beer and wine company has apologised after a sign advertising their beverages appeared directly opposite a primary school in Perth’s southeast, infuriating parents and health advocates.Mum Emma Groves first noticed the advertisement for Stone’s ginger beer drinks last week while dropping off her daughters at Maddington Read More →

Entrepreneurs: of course! Professor of health sciences: of course not! The Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy STAP ; Utrecht 11-12-2023 For the first time in the Netherlands, a scientific analysis has been carried out into the way in which the interested business community influences alcohol policy(1). In concrete terms, the IVO Research Institute, commissioned by Read More →

2 December 2023; Society; (Latvian Public Broadcasting) & Agnija Lazdiņa (Latvijas Radio Ziņu dienesta korespondente)  Is it right and ethical to place a “Christmas tree” made of bottles of alcohol in the supermarket’s food department? The law, at least for now, does not prohibit it. The advertisement is legal, but it is not quite ethical, given that Read More →