Blog written by Nijole Gostautaite Midttun, Lithuanian Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition (NTAKK) Lithuania might be on the verge of a total advertising ban – a simple and cost effective measure to control alcohol related harm. It almost happened in 2012, but was revoked under industry pressure couple of weeks before coming into effect. In Read More →

Press release by Eurocare European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s long-awaited report on alcohol labelling in line with Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. It is thanks to Commissioner’s Andriukaitis persistence that consumers might soon be better informed about what is in alcoholic beverages they drink. Mariann Skar, Eurocare Secretary General said: Read More →

Removing alcohol adverts from streets and public transport, and phasing out alcohol sponsorship in sport are among the steps that should be taken to prevent alcohol companies grooming children. In a report published today by Alcohol Focus Scotland, leading academics and health experts outline how the Scottish Government can reduce the unacceptably high levels of Read More →

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have a determinant role to play in preventing alcohol initiation and reducing alcohol related harm, especially in vulnerable groups such as women and youth. A new tool has been published to help NGOs monitor alcohol marketing. 

In a recent study, Addiction Switzerland provides an overview of the challenges linked to online alcohol marketing. The main findings of the research are presented below. The study consists of four parts: (Non systematic) review of the literature on the impact and the strategies of online marketing for alcohol Monitoring of online alcohol marketing via Read More →

Authors: Kate Robaina, MPH, Thomas Babor, PhD, MPH & Jonathan Noel, MPH (2016). Title: Evaluating compliance with alcohol industry self-regulation in seven countries in Africa. An external evaluation of the MAMPA (Monitoring Alcohol Marketing Practices in Africa) project.  Executive summary Introduction The Monitoring Alcohol Marketing Practices in Africa (MAMPA) Project was a public health surveillance program devoted to Read More →