9 April 2019  Oliver Peterson   6PRAlcohol AdvertisingMeg Coffeyoliver petersonOliver Peterson Perth LIVEPerth LIVEsocial media According to new research by VicHealth, the unregulated promotion of alcoholic drinks on social media is rife. “Influencers” post photos of themselves with alcoholic brands without declaring they have been paid to do so. They often have hundreds of thousands of Read More →

The reporter; 6 April 2019 By Dawit Endeshaw The proclamation that seeks to ban any broadcast media advertisement on alcoholic drinks, from 6:00 AM in the morning to 9:00 PM in the evening, will start to take effect starting next month, May 29, 2019, The Reporter has learnt. As per Article 74(4) of the Proclamation, Read More →

  21-Mar-2019 By Beth Newhart Brands are increasingly turning to social media influencers to promote their products and reach a younger audience. This is spreading to alcohol, and influencer marketing platform Traackr analyzed how alcohol brands are engaging with the new trend. Link to source: https://www.beveragedaily.com/Article/2019/03/21/Traackr-dives-deep-into-the-influencers-of-alcohol

European Public Health Alliance | Mar 12, 2019 | CAP & Health, Food, Drink and Agriculture | Analysis & Opinion Why wine promotion funds should be phased-out for a sustainable EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The CAP dedicates a budget of over €1.1 billion per year to support the wine sector. In the period 2014-2018 Read More →

Follow the Money Olivier van Beemen, 25 March 2019 Heineken received millions of euros in subsidies for agricultural projects in Africa, which the government praises as an example of a successful aid and trade policy. They provide the brewer with a lot of good publicity and tax benefits, but now it appears that the objectives Read More →

Jordan Lukeš; Content Marketing Specialist 20 Mar 2019 When it comes to social media, the alcohol industry knows what they’re doing. Despite strict advertising rules and age restrictions, they’ve managed to create engaging content, adopt new formats, create alluring alcohol marketing campaigns, and engage with their audiences. However, there’s still room for improvement. Read on to Read More →