The Guardian, Alex Hern and Frederik Hugo Ledegaard; 9 okt. 2019 Exclusive: algorithm may expose thousands of under-18s to harmful targeted adverts Facebook has marked hundreds of thousands of children as “interested in” adverts about gambling and alcohol, a joint investigation by the Guardian and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation has found. The social network’s advertising Read More →

  The Lancet     Published: October 05, 2019DOI:   Russians are officially drinking less and, as a consequence, are living longer than ever before: life expectancies reached an historic peak in 2018—almost 68 years for men and 78 years for women—according to a WHO report examining the effects of alcohol control measures on Read More →

Boris Chapoton, Anne-Laure Werlen, Véronique Regnier Denois European Journal of Public Health, ckz163, September 2019 European citizens are the largest alcohol users in the world with an average of 11 l of alcohol per individual per year being used. This consumption practice usually begins during adolescence. Youths’ views of substances consumption are built upon socialization Read More →

Press Release, September 23th Participants impressed with research results. Thursday, September 19, the conference “Digital Alcohol Marketing in the Spotlight” took place in Amsterdam. The conference was organised by the University of Amsterdam, The European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) and the European Center for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM). Nearly 75 participants from a total of Read More →

The Conversation; September 12, 2019 Unhealthy products – including junk food, alcohol and gambling – are leading causes of cancer, obesity, diabetes, mental illness and many social harms. In New Zealand, alcohol alone contributes to an estimated 800 deaths and costs the economy approximately NZ$7.85 billion each year. Two comprehensive reports, published by the Law Read More →

The Telegraph; Mike Wright 7 September 2019 • 9:00pm The advertising watchdog has been accused of giving the “green light” to alcohol brands to “blast” children with social media promotions following a groundbreaking ruling on an Instagram ‘influencer’. Alcohol charities raised the concerns after the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) dismissed complaints against the YouTuber Tanya Read More →