November 17, 2021 by Stephanie Parell. From Croakey Health Media. Stephanie Parnell discusses how children are digital natives. In fact, they have access and know how to use social media platforms, without the need of adult supervision. At the same time, they have no control as to being monitored and protected from possible harmful advertising Read More →

23 March, 2021 from the Alcohol Health Alliance Since alcohol marketing has been proven to have significant influence on drinking habits in the UK, the WHO decided that the most affordable policies to reduce alcohol-related harms are bans and restrictions. How does that impact those in recovery in the UK? Siân Smith, campaigns and admin Read More →

15th November, 2021. As part of a WHO initiative to raise awareness on digital alcohol marketing, the short movie below was shown today.  Young people’s opinions on digital alcohol marketing are shared and concrete examples are discussed.    Click on this link to be redirected to the movie 

Peer, N., & Kengne, A. P. (2021). Predators in the park: multinational corporates versus population health. Comment, 9(11), E1479-E1480. 10-1016/S2214-109X(21)00414-9 In The Lancet Global Health, Luke N Allen and colleagues(1) address an important and topical issue. They describe the worldwide uptake of legislation and implementation of 19 policies for non-communicable diseases (NCD) recommended by WHO Read More →

22 October 2021 by Maik Dünnbier. From Movendi. 1. Alcohol marketing causes harm to children and youth Early onset of alcohol use, higher amounts of alcohol consumption, more high-risk ways of consuming alcohol, shaping positive attitudes, expectancies, and judgements towards alcohol, and determining brand allegiance and loyalty for an entire life – these are the harmful effects Read More →

30th September 2021 by Martin Williams. From The Herald. Scots health experts have called to an end to the lucrative sports marketing of alcohol as new research found nearly all industry ads appearing in Scottish rugby matches came without a ‘drink responsibly’ warning. There are currently no legislative restrictions on alcohol sports sponsorship in the UK and alcohol marketing is Read More →

1st November 2021. From RNZ.  The award-winning journalist and podcast-maker has made a documentary about New Zealand’s drinking culture and the alcohol industry. Two years ago Guyon Espiner stopped drinking, and now has made a documentary, “Proof”, which he claims “it’s not a lecture about alcohol’s harm”. Rather, he wants to discuss how 20 percent of Read More →

18th October 2021 by Ciarán Markey & Darragh Killen. From LK Shields New restrictions targeting alcohol ads are coming into force in Ireland on 12th November 2021. Additional sections of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018, that aims at controlling use and misuse of alcohol through advertising, marketing and sponsorship regulations, will enter into force. Read More →