10h May 2022 by Nivashi Nair. From the Sowetan Live The World Health Organization’s latest report on reducing the harm from alcohol and the gaps in regulation of alcohol marketing across borders. The WHO is calling for governments to integrate comprehensive restrictions or bans on alcohol marketing, as digital marketing, across borders, targets the young Read More →

May 3rd, 2022 from Movendi International Big alcohol is rapidly expanding into the metaverse to increase alcohol availability and drive consumption for more profit. In fact, the alcohol industry has already started with virtual liquor stores, NFT product sales, sponsorship, and marketing of virtual events. More specifically, The Metaverse is Big Alcohol’s next target for Read More →

May 3rd and 4th, 2022 by Steph Brawn and Lottie Hood. The Press and Journal; The National.  In Scotland, increases in prices on alcoholic beverages are discussed, as many other proposals to limit alcohol attractiveness and drinking behavior. A Scottish charity is backing the health minister’s proposal to consider new curbs on alcohol advertising. In fact, Read More →

April 11th, 2022 by Nicholas Carah & Aimee Brownbill. From Insight and Movedi International Since the early 2000s, we have witnessed a continuous innovation in marketing tactics on social and digital media, from inviting consumers to create, comment, like and share advertising, to partnering with influencers, to creating augmented reality filters and shifting to ephemeral Read More →

30th March 2022. From Alcohol Change UK  In recent times, UK consumers have been buying alcohol online in record numbers, from an ever-growing variety of retailers, increasingly promising delivery to the doorstep within minutes. However, as the market continues to expand, Alcohol Change UK’s commissioned research questions how robust current systems are in protecting children Read More →

April 5th, 2022 by Jayshendra Karunakaren, Analyst. From ISS ESG. Media coverage throughout 2021 has reported that the zero- and low-alcohol beverages market is booming. In fact, zero – and low-alcohol drinks have increasingly featured at Christmas and New Year gatherings. According to the 2021 IWSR Drinks Market Analysis, consumption of zero-alcohol beverages, defines as containing Read More →