May 3rd and 4th, 2022 by Steph Brawn and Lottie Hood. The Press and Journal; The National. 

In Scotland, increases in prices on alcoholic beverages are discussed, as many other proposals to limit alcohol attractiveness and drinking behavior. A Scottish charity is backing the health minister’s proposal to consider new curbs on alcohol advertising.

In fact, the public health minister, Maree Todd, is working on such proposals since a quarter of Scots are drinking more than is good for them with 1,190 alcohol-specific deaths registered in Scotland in 2020. Along with this, it was reported that those who drank heavily before the pandemic drank even more heavily after the onset of the coronavirus.Additionally, she described the current levels of promotion as deeply troubling. 

 Supporting the public health minister’s decisions is also Ms Douglas, chief executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland who explained that alcoholic brands are using their non-alcoholic products to further advertise their brands and alcoholic products.

This is what is called ‘alibi marketing’, which needs “restrictions that are comprehensive and don’t allow companies to do that”, said Ms Douglas.

She further added that many young people and children state that advertising is affecting them and that it is therefore important to respond to that.


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