Drug and Alcohol Review; Norman Giesbrecht | Emilene Reisdorfer | Kevin Shield; May 2024 AbstractIssues: Advertising and marketing affect alcohol use; however, no single systematic review has covered all aspects of how they affect alcohol use, and how the alcohol industry views alcohol marketing restrictions. Approach: Two systematic reviews of reviews were performed according to Read More →

Elise Pauzé, Adena Pinto, Monique Potvin Kent in: Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2024, 59(3). AbstractAims: Alcohol marketing is a commercial driver of alcohol use, including among youth. This study sought to quantify and characterize alcohol advertising on broadcast television in Canada.Methods: Open-source television program logs for January to December 2018 submitted to the Canadian Radio-television and Read More →

Elise Pauzé, Adena Pinto, Monique Potvin Kent Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 59, Issue 3, May 2024, agae020, https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agae020 Abstract Aims Alcohol marketing is a commercial driver of alcohol use, including among youth. This study sought to quantify and characterize alcohol advertising on broadcast television in Canada. Methods Open-source television program logs for January to December 2018 submitted to Read More →

Abstract Background Alcohol use is a serious public health challenge worldwide. Japan has no government regulations or legal penalties against advertising alcoholic beverages on television (TV). Instead, advertisements depend on the Japanese alcohol industry’s self-regulation on airtime (no advertisements from 5 am to 6 pm) and the content of alcoholic beverages, which must not tempt minors. Read More →

Drug Alcohol Rev. 2023 Nov 7.; Leon Booth 1, Mia Miller 2, Simone Pettigrew 1   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37934620/ Abstract Issues: Young people are particularly impressionable when it comes to forming expectations and attitudes around alcohol consumption. Any stimuli that normalise and foster positive expectations around alcohol use may increase the risk of underage alcohol consumption. Alcohol venues that market themselves as being Read More →

 Alcohol Focus Scotland. Children’s recognition of alcohol marketing. Alcohol market briefing. Glasgow:  https://www.alcohol-focus-scotland.org.uk/media/62890/Children_s_Recognition_of_Alcohol_Marketing_Briefing.pdf (2015). IntroductionIn the UK, the alcohol industry spends around £800 million annually marketing its products1.There are concerns that the high volume of alcohol promotion in the UK may serve to normalisedrinking, particularly amongst younger viewers. This study has sought to learn whether alcoholmarketing messages Read More →

by  Nason Maani Hessari; Adam Bertscher; Nathan Critchlow; Niamh Fitzgerald; Cécile Knai; Martine Stead; Mark Petticrew Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(21), 4092; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16214092 Received: 31 August 2019 / Revised: 9 October 2019 / Accepted: 10 October 2019 / Published: 24 October 2019 Abstract Restricting alcohol advertising and marketing is a cost-effective intervention for reducing alcohol harms. However, the alcohol industry maintains that advertising does not affect consumption, Read More →

James D Sargent 1, Thomas F Babor 2J. Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl. 2020 Mar;Sup 19(Suppl 19):113-124.   Abstract Objective: This article summarizes the findings of narrative and systematic literature reviews focused on the relationship between exposure to alcohol marketing and youth drinking, viewed in context of criteria for causality. We also consider the implications of this proposition for alcohol Read More →

Hanneke Hendriks, Joris J. van Hoof, Peter D. Noort, Lukas van Remmerden, Carmen V. Voogt, Eva A. van Reijmersdal First published: 29 September 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119678816.iehc0747 Abstract Alcohol advertising is widespread and has increased over the past years. The exposure to and effects of alcohol marketing have been the focus of much research. Based on several systematic reviews and meta-analyses, there Read More →