23rd May 2022 by sally Casswell. From RNZ.

Cross-border marketing is about how alcohol marketing first created and disseminated in one country, spreads across boarders into others. This technique is largely used by multinational corporations striving to increase sales and normalize alcohol as an everyday product. 

Since much of this (cross-border) alcohol advertising happens on digital media nowadays, the impact of alcohol marketing messages has increased even more.

The increased power of these advertisements reflects the effectiveness of “personalized marketing”. Companies can now target individuals and “look alike” audiences.

This approach is made possible thanks to the enormous amount of data collected as we interact together, purchase products and indicate our interests and passions through our clicks and likes.

As a consequence, vulnerable groups are also being bombarded by messages that encourage them to buy and drink alcohol.


Indeed, the alcohol industry is entering metaverse; a sophisticated 3D sphere for entertainment and gaming, garnished with data-driven personalization.

However, since the digital world is extremely dynamic it becomes faded and difficult to most policymakers and public health practitioners to understand how to regulate it.

The WHO report outlines various partial and unsuccessful approaches to regulating marketing in the digital media. For instance, Norway imposed a complete ban on alcohol marketing and the digital sphere as well; in this case the ban was successful in moderating alcohol consumption.

Norway’s results emphasize the need for surveillance and enforcement, suggesting ways in which alcohol companies could be penalized for marketing breaches.


Link to the full article: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/on-the-inside/467706/alcohol-marketing-has-crossed-borders-and-entered-the-metaverse-how-do-we-regulate-the-new-digital-risk

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