June 4th 2021 by Konrad Marshall. From The Sidney Morning Herald.

Hard seltzer is an effervescent and flavored alcoholic sparkling water that doesn’t taste like it has any alcohol in it. It is the No. 1 US brand – only erupting in the American market a few years ago – is White Claw, and it already sits fifth on a national list of most popular drinks, ahead of beer brands Corona and Budweiser.

Being it a billion-dollar business, it quickly arrived in Australia with Saintly, “the Australian made, alcoholic sparkling water”, as it describes itself in the official brand website. This alcoholic beverage is gluten-free, vegan-friendly status and all-natural ingredients. It comes in different flavors such as watermelon and mint, lemon and lime and peach flavors, each brewed with real fruit and containing just 368 kilojoules (with less than one gram of sugar).

Concerns have been raised, in particular by Dr Paula O’Brien, an expert in alcohol marketing and regulation with the University of Melbourne. She points out the slick labels and artful packaging: “They’re a bit like the old alcopops … For young people transitioning from drinking Fanta, this is a more sophisticated product than a can of Jim Beam and Cola.”

She continues: “Hard seltzer is on the same continuum … it’s problematic because the harm comes from the alcohol. Whether the drink is low-sugar or gluten-free, it’s still alcoholic”.

It looks like a new trend, with low-carb beers being the first, then diet wines, then products using organic ingredients, then alcoholic kombucha. 

To read the original and full article click on the following link: https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/the-simple-truth-behind-hard-seltzers-20210507-p57px0.html.



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