young-people-drinkingA new study by the New Zealand Massey University and SHORE, Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation, suggests that establishing a brand alliance between the age of 13 and 14 is not only related with drinking and future intentions to drink, but also with harmful drinking patterns including binge drinking. Furthermore, the study implies that all forms of alcohol marketing are associated with drinking by young people. However, more active engagement, such as owning merchandise and downloading screensavers are stronger predictors of drinking.

The study, set out to examine the relationship between measures of awareness to marketing and drinking among young New Zealanders, is based on telephone survey data from 2538 13 to 14 year olds.

Regression analysis shows that awareness of an alcohol marketing channel increased the odds of being a drinker by 8%. Engagement with web-based marketing increased the odds of being a drinker by 98% while engagement with traditional marketing increased the odds by 51%. While, having a brand allegiance increased the odds of being a drinker by 356%. This even works on non-drinkers, whose likelihood of becoming a drinker is increased by 73%.

Finally, brand allegiance was also associated with more frequent alcohol consumption (1.65 times more drinking occasions per year) and 86% more alcohol consumed on a typical occasion.

Abstracts of this and other scientific studies on the effects of alcohol marketing can be found in our[link=] abstracts section>>[/link]

Source: 12/01/11

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