Removing alcohol adverts from streets and public transport, and phasing out alcohol sponsorship in sport are among the steps that should be taken to prevent alcohol companies grooming children. In a report published today by Alcohol Focus Scotland, leading academics and health experts outline how the Scottish Government can reduce the unacceptably high levels of … Read More →
At December 1st, several European NGO’s (including EUCAM) organised the event “What about our kids?”, that will be hosted by MEP Daciana Octavia Sârbu. Reports about this events: Food Navigator EU Reporter — The Audiovisual Media Services Directive offers a once in a decade opportunity to protect children from commercial communications on alcohol and unhealthy … Read More →
Authors: Tim Lobstein, Jane Landon, Nicole Thornton & David Jernigan Title: The commercial use of digital media to market alcohol products: a narrative review Journal: Addiction, 2016, 10.1111/add.13493 Abstract: Background and aims: The rising use of digital media in the last decade, including social networking media and downloadable applications, has created new opportunities for marketing a wide range … Read More →
The BBC reports that the British Medical Association (BMA) in Scotland has called for alcohol advertising at events aimed at children to be banned. This call is a reaction to a bill currently before the Health and Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament. The BMA said it hoped the debate would draw attention to the … Read More →
Australian supermarket chain Woolworths last month defended plans for opening a liquor store opposite a primary school in New South Wales by referring to research by a psychologist claiming that exposing children to alcohol advertising helps protect them from ”the seductive powers of capitalism.’ This rhetoric has sparked a storm of protest. In a submission … Read More →
Speaking at the House of Lords, Labour peer Lord Brooke accused ministers of bowing to pressure from the alcohol industry. According to Lord Brooke a bill which is currently going through the House of Lords aims to remove the law that presently prohibits the sale of alcohol to children in the form of food. Baron … Read More →
Author: Barry AE, Johnson E, Rabre A, Darville G, Donovan KM, Efunbumi O. Title: Underage access to online alcohol marketing content: a YouTube case study Journal: Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2014;ePub(ePub):ePub-ePub. Abstract Aims: With the proliferation of the Internet and online social media use, alcohol advertisers are now marketing their products through social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook … Read More →